Kajala Group develops enterprise resource planning (ERP) software-as-a-service (SaaS) systems for organizations to manage their core business processes.
Founded in 2007, Kajala Group has been successfully building high-tech products and services on three continents. Our clients include such companies as Alisa Bank, GF Money, NordCredit (Denmark) and Finvoicer Group.
Kajala Group fintech systems, payment services, consumer and business loan management systems and systems for receivables factoring, have processed billions in transactions. Previously, Kajala Group also spinned off Talent Robot Ltd., a developer of one of the most popular job search engines in Finland, Avointyopaikka.fi. The business was acquired in 2013 by Sanoma Media, one of the leading media companies in Europe.
Kajala Group primarily develops software using Python and Django Framework, but we have resources to develop C/C++, PHP and Node.js as well. Kajala Group has experience applying NIST cyber security framework to organizations and we develop all our projects and services using iterative system development lifecycle:

Besides our own development, Kajala Group Ltd. also provides advanced management hosting services. Kajala Group is a Akamai Connected Cloud partner. You can rest assured that besides advanced monitoring and management services, our highly experienced software development team can resolve any issues you might have.